About Us :                                            * FARMERS TRAINING FARMERS*

We have all heard about America losing almost 2 million acres of Farmland every year because 1,000's of Farmers are retiring and the next generation doesn't have the guidance and resources  to pick up the plow which the retiring Farmers laid down. YOU can be that ONE who carries on and saves the Family Farm from becoming just a memory.

At Future Farmer Mentoring, we are dedicated to the future of Farming through RECRUITING, TRAINING and MENTORING the next generation of American farmers. Our mission is to provide Mentoring Programs ( depending on whether you need Mentoring and Mentor Farmer availability in your area ) , We also provide you with information on the most up to date natural resource conservation practices and methods of Farming, You will learn how to make even the small farm sustainable and profitable. We further offer guidance in acquiring  Farm Purchase Loans to aspiring Future Farmers as they embark on their journey in the agricultural industry. Our services are 100%  free to anyone who has the desire and work ethic to become a Farmer.  Future Farmer Mentoring is a Non - Discriminating, Non - Profit 501c3 Organization and relies solely on donations and grants.  We are right there by your side, helping you tackle every barrier  every step of the way from now until you purchase your Farm.

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Mentorship Program:    

Receive personalized mentorship from experienced farmers to guide you through the process of starting your own farm  (depending on the availability of Mentor Farmers in your area and your need for mentoring ). 

We are a nation-wide non-profit organization dedicated to your success in agriculture. 

Your Future, Your Farm. 

Doing America's most important job, while being your own boss and living the country lifestyle you love. Without Farmers , no one would eat. We at Future Farmer Mentoring are dedicated to being by your side every step of the way, from now until you are that successful Farm owner/operator that we know you can be.



DID YOU KNOW THE AVERAGE AGE OF THE BEGINNING FARMER IS OVER 40 YEARS OLD ?   Age is often a barrier that we apply to ourselves.  In reality it takes some growing up to be a   Farmer therefore the most successful beginning Farmers are in the 30 -50  year old range. You can definitely be successful younger.  As long as you are committed to your success, YOU WILL SUCCEED.


Future Farmer Mentoring Inc is at this time actively seeking a contract agreement with USDA to become an official Recruiting Arm of FSA's Beginning Farmer and Farm Loan Programs. The USDA has in the past failed to support a  non discriminating , equal opportunity for all approach that we believe in  and that may be a determining factor as to whether we obtain a contract or not. It bothers us that 60 to 80 percent of USDA's farm subsidy payouts currently goes to the richest 10% of Farmers and Farm Corporations, as our government officials  take care of their already rich friends, while the small and midsized Farmers are left to fend for themselves. Our goal at Future Farmer Mentoring is to see ALL FARMERS benefit from our USDA Programs equally, regardless of Race, Gender, Age or Farm Size.

We'll let you know how this goes.

Well our Contract Proposal was denied by the Ag Sec Tom Vilsack. I guess he spent to much money creating the new avian flu virus. We are in communication with the other Political Party and asking them to include it in their first 180 day plan after election.


Did You Know ??? Our USDA Scientist in collusion with China scientist created the Avian Flu Virus which is infecting dairy herds and is contagious to both humans and animals? Yep in the Wuhan Lab, using our tax money. Sound Familiar???  Google it and read all about it for yourself. Scientist are testing dairy and beef products for the virus. They believe any pasturized  dairy products to be safe. I'll take my steak well done, please.




Join Us in Cultivating the Future of American Agriculture

Are you ready to take the first step towards a rewarding career in agriculture? Join us at Future Farmer Mentoring and let's cultivate the future of American farming together.

 Future Farmer Mentoring welcomes your donation to help us assist more working class men and women of every race and financial status, become farm owners. We also need volunteer Mentors. We are a Non Profit, Non Discriminating 501(c)3 (Private Foundation) Organization. Please, do your part to save the Family Farm from becoming just a memory. Donate or Volunteer today.